
Showing posts with the label Rose

Birthday Buddy

Little Rozzy Raspberry was 22 yesterday!  Not really so little any more... It has been a joy to watch Rose blossom with confidence over the last year. You can read about her  here ,  here  &  here ... And she still has a taste for choccie! Our sweet girl is one of the loveliest, kindest, thoughtful people we know! Happy Birthday beautiful chickpea!!! Lots of love, hugs, snugs & cuds, Momwah & Popwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Rozzy Raspberry

Our beautiful Daughter is 21 today! Little Rose was born at home - watched by her big Sis... It was a fantastic birth & she was greeted with us all singing happy birthday! She had her first holiday at 2 weeks old... Though she wasn't that impressed with Welsh beaches! Her first birthday & getting a taste for chocolate! She adored that little red hat... And even slept with it on! A lovely, caring, generous girl who everyone adores! And she hasn't changed a bit... Rose & Asa have gone to the city of Bath for her birthday... She really has grown up! Happy Birthday Sweetie Pie - we love you very much!!! Momma & Popsy  ♥xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥